Christopher Bouzy
The explore section isn't a timeline/feed. It will always be chaotic and that is by design. I understand a lot of people use it as a timeline, but as the platform grows, it will be even more chaotic.
VergeClub @VergeClub
As far as I'm concerned, the thing that is going to ruin Spoutible are the clusterfux of argumentative replies flooding the main feed. I don't want to be subjected to them; will go somewhere else, because it takes a long time to figure out who the main antagonists are, so as to block them.
06:28 PM - Nov 01, 2023
07:28 PM - Nov 01, 2023
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Since a lot of people are using it as a feed of sorts, I'd say there is a desire for a third option. In other words, a raw feed doesn't have a practical use. Put it somewhere in the background and give users something more structured that is not their own feed. Maybe some sort of aggregation.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
09:46 PM - Nov 01, 2023


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