Kara Post-Kennedy
People are always amazed at my house when I pop a movie into my DVD player. They act like it is an artifact from the ice ages. And they just about stroke out when I tell them that sometimes I BORROW DVDs from the LIBRARY. I'm like "Little House on the Prairie" in real life! Anyone else out there?
04:27 PM - Nov 02, 2023
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DianeInNashville TN
Hubby prefers them, but I find they take up too much space/time & are inconvenient. Case in point: we start a movie in the dining room during dinner, then have to switch to the living room and find our spot. Much easier to do with my Firestick. That said, I see value in owning a few favorites.
In response to Kara Post-Kennedy.
11:33 AM - Nov 04, 2023


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