Drummer Girl
People it is happening! Just b/c 1/2 of our govt who doesn't even pretend to govern at this pt & is paid to keep their (and our) heads in the sand, misinformed or too exhuaseted & broke to be able to protest abt us killing our planet, can say it's a hoax. But denial doesn't mean it's not happening!
Alberto Pastor @albertopastor
"Ice shelves are the parts of an ice sheet that float on the water, preventing glaciers from slipping into and melting in the ocean. If the glaciers the North Greenland ice shelves support were to collapse, sea levels could rise nearly 7 feet."
🏔️🧊💦 #IceShelves #Greenland #Environment #Climate
03:34 PM - Nov 08, 2023
04:04 PM - Nov 08, 2023
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