Chelsea Streeter
thread 1/5
Hello all! My name is Chelsea, and I'm attempting to run for state representative for HD69 in Texas.
My district if full of wonderful, hardworking people. Communities that come together when the need arises, and small towns that struggle with keeping populations due to a lack of jobs.
12:37 PM - Nov 09, 2023
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Chelsea Streeter
thread 2/5
It is also DEEP RED, which I suspect is partly due to voter apathy.
I envision a better future for my three children. I like to say, "You may be preparing your kids for the world, but I want to prepare the world for my kids." I don't want them to have to fight the same battles we are fighting today.
12:37 PM - Nov 09, 2023
Chelsea Streeter
thread 3/5
I used to be a conservative, and much of my family identifies as such. Because of this, I believe the best path forward is compromise. I am a person that is willing to change my perspective when presented with new information. I do not compromise on my personal values, but I do believe in taking
12:37 PM - Nov 09, 2023
Chelsea Streeter
thread 4/5
Wins where you can get them.

In 2022, with the help of my friends and the local democratic party, I planned and hosted a Bans Off Our Bodies rally in July 2022.

As for experience, I have none. But I am a studious person that loves to learn, and does so quickly. I am also honest in my capabilities
12:37 PM - Nov 09, 2023
Chelsea Streeter
thread 5/5
And how I feel about things. If you have any questions, I am more than willing to talk with you about them.

My first step in this process will be to get 500 signatures of registered voters in my district.

I hope that you'll help me.

Let's move forward, together.
12:37 PM - Nov 09, 2023
Barbara Edelman
In response to Chelsea Streeter.
wishing you the best of luck from ny! you’re very brave to be doing this in a very scary place.
10:27 AM - Nov 12, 2023
Kymberlyn Reed
In response to Chelsea Streeter.
I have a few questions:

1) what are the demographics of your district?

2) what policies are you willing to "compromise" on?

3) a lot of "Never Tr* mpers are proving themselves untrustworthy or want to turn the Democratic Party into the Republican Party lite. Why should Dem voters trust YOU?
11:11 AM - Nov 10, 2023
Chelsea Streeter
In response to Kymberlyn Reed.
The demographics definitely favor straight and white. However, about 30% are minorities.

As for compromise, off the top of my head, we could start with a compromise on abortion. As of now, Texas does not allow at all. If we can at least get 12 weeks, we can work from there. (Cont)
11:17 AM - Nov 10, 2023
Chelsea Streeter
In response to Kymberlyn Reed.
As for trusting me... I could tell you all day long that you could trust me, but that proves nothing. I understand your fears there, I really do. But I can't prove to be trustworthy without an opportunity to do so. I'm willing to be held accountable.
11:19 AM - Nov 10, 2023


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