Martini C
People get so mad when you ask them to stop voting for psychopaths.
Barb W (ν) @Truecapbw
Writing a #Letter to motivate a potential voter to actually vote, can be frustrating when you have to select your words carefully but, if it works then it’s worth it. Many times I’d rather write in all caps #VOTE TO STOP FACISM FFS 🤯 #DailyPictureTheme
09:12 AM - Nov 16, 2023
09:41 AM - Nov 16, 2023
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Barb W (ν)
In response to Martini C.
I keep updating my letters trying to keep it short & to the point, but listing all the good things to vote for (human rights, gun control, clean water/food, stable earth, health/ssa/medi benies, basic right to live… vs. the bad (handmaid’s tale) is hard to sum up, without calling a thing a thing!
10:06 AM - Nov 16, 2023


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