Professor Kyle
Racism, bigotry, & hate aren't aberrations we can swat away. They're sewn deep into the fabric of society, stemming from colonialism, patriarchy, & white/cishet supremacy. We have to acknowledge, understand, & take action – not merely claim "we're better than this" when we're so obviously not – yet.
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
"This is not who we are" is such a copout statement. If that were true, then the awful things you're supposedly appalled at wouldn't've happened. Just saw a letter to the ed. using that phrase to claim a bigoted select board member doesn't represent the town...a town that voted her in overwhelmingly
01:28 AM - Nov 23, 2023
01:47 AM - Nov 23, 2023
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Lisa Himmel
The hatred, violence and bigotry is exactly who we are and who this country has always been, from the treatment of Native Americans, to slavery and Jim Crow. Unless you were a wealthy, white, Christian male, you were not worthy. We just keep hoping that we have evolved and become better.
In response to Professor Kyle.
02:26 AM - Nov 23, 2023


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