Professor Kyle
People love to talk about their language pet peeves... Mine is people thinking there's a "correct" way to speak a language that's constantly changing – often, as you say, to enforce entrenched hierarchy & discrimination.
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀 @mcgarrygirl78
No word started out a word. It came from people using it enough to give it context and meaning. Plus I'm always a little sus of "such and such isn't a word" squad because this is what people do with AAVE. Adulting is a word, a silly word. People like it or they wouldn't use it.
12:17 PM - Nov 26, 2023
12:22 PM - Nov 26, 2023 (Edited)
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Fern Lovebond (they/them)
Yes, the tendency for ppl to try and control the language use of others is rooted in prescriptivism sociological linguistics, a tribalistic tendency to associate acceptable behavior and cultural norms with language identity markers.

Basically, "you're doing my language wrong!" irks me, too.
In response to Professor Kyle.
12:30 PM - Nov 26, 2023


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