Not a Problematic Liz
Unexpected reorg at my job and now I'm in a new department. Anyhow when introductions were going around, I realized I was one of the only people who doesn't have a PhD. Nor did I even major in computer science. I'm the only one that's self taught in the room.

I guess I should be proud of that.
04:47 PM - Nov 29, 2023
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Brian Foley
In high school, I was "Engineer for a Day" and got to spend the day at a local engineering firm. The only thing I remember about it was being told that in engineering, "you go to college to learn how to learn how to do your job." As long as you can do that, you don't need the degree.
In response to Not a Problematic Liz.
07:24 PM - Nov 29, 2023


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