Patricia Neff
In response to John Oberg.
I disagree. Many animals are in captivity due to injuries. It could be manatees injured by boats or numerous other reasons. Those who can be rehabilitated are released while those who can’t be are well taken care of for the rest of their life. This polar bear could be unable to survive in the wild.
03:41 PM - Dec 07, 2023
cindy kawa ?#BLM, LGBTQ+ ally
In response to Patricia Neff.
I agree with you totally if that is the case, however, I don't believe that every animal in zoos around the world are incapable of living in the wild. And in that case, keeping them in habitats is just cruel.
12:19 AM - Dec 19, 2023
Civil Canuck
In response to Patricia Neff.
It's true that old/rescued animals need sanctuaries to live out their lives, and some zoos operate rescue for animals nearing extinction, but this ain't one of them. This is Taco, a transplant from the Rotterdam to Santiago, Chile Zoo, who endured tropical summers, died in 2015 at young age of 10.
12:25 PM - Dec 22, 2023


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