AprilG Xn+2 = Xn+1 + Xn
Your comments over the past few days are a bizarrely manipulative way to frame allyship. "I’ll strive to dismantle what marginalizes you but I won't acknowledge the very things that marginalize you" is not being an ally no matter how much you claim otherwise, sir.
Jason Ginsburg @Ginsburg
I don't claim to be an ally; I am one.

I believe Liz Cheney should be saluted for giving up a safe seat in Congress, and possibly her entire literary career, to speak out against Trump. And only for that.

We need voices like hers, because enough GOP voters will listen to her to make a difference.
02:32 PM - Dec 08, 2023
03:21 PM - Dec 08, 2023
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Jason Ginsburg
I believe Cheney deserves credit for speaking out against Trump, which is a noble cause. Trump must be defeated, and she can assist with that goal.

I will continue to believe that, despite your personal insults.

So you have a choice: You can continue to insult me, or just let this go.
In response to AprilG Xn+2 = Xn+1 + Xn.
05:52 PM - Dec 08, 2023


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