Frank the Bunny
Makes sense, but unfortunately, suburban Americans are caught up in an arms race of making sure they have a car big enough to survive a crash with another large vehicle, even though most of these pickup- and SUV-driving dillholes rarely need the room or off road capability of the vehicles they buy.
Carson Gibbs @EconomistCarson
"Instead of rewarding pedestrians and cyclists, we punish them as second-class travelers."

"Vehicle speed isn’t the only variable deadly to pedestrians; so is size. A child struck by an SUV is eight times more likely to die than if hit by a car."
09:38 AM - Dec 21, 2023
09:56 AM - Dec 21, 2023
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Carson Gibbs
I've heard some call them "pavement princesses" and "cowboy cosplayers" which I enjoy immensely.
In response to Frank the Bunny.
10:03 AM - Dec 21, 2023


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