Katie Kadwell
Watching a woman on Hoarders letting go of her late husband’s clothing and feeling a need to shout out our ride or die friends who are there for us, even at our lowest. I will forever be grateful for a dear friend who took everything except the few items we wanted to Goodwill so I didn’t have to.
01:21 PM - Jan 01, 2024
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Thee NW F#@&ing Magpie
In response to Katie Kadwell.
Joining in here. My bestie came to see me right after my mother died. She helped me pack up mom's clothes and take them to Goodwill, and distribute other things to people who wanted them. All the while dealing with me freaking out over giving Mom's things away because *she might come back.* 😭
01:37 PM - Jan 01, 2024
Katie Kadwell
That is so incredibly real… I had recurring dreams of my husband coming back, especially in those first weeks. Our brains take a while to process and realize they are gone. Hugging you.

GIF ID: Fuzzy yellow creature shyly hugging fuzzy purple creature
In response to Thee NW F#@&ing Magpie.
04:25 PM - Jan 01, 2024
Thee NW F#@&ing Magpie
In response to Katie Kadwell.
::hugs back::

I had dreams that the rehab facility (Mom broke her hip before she died) called me to say Mom was ready to come home. Even in the dreams, I'd wonder, if Mom was alive, who had we cremated? And how could I explain it to everyone?

Grief plays some sadistic, bizarre tricks on you. 💔
07:50 PM - Jan 01, 2024
Katie Kadwell
In response to Thee NW F#@&ing Magpie.
Yes!! My husband would just appear and I’d be like, what happened and who is in his urn, and how will I explain this to everyone. That’s the part that would have me waking up in a panic.
07:52 PM - Jan 01, 2024


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