Christopher Bouzy
Users who are blocked can't reply to your threads, nor can they reply to other users replying to your threads. Blocked means blocked here at Spoutible.
LaMott Jackson (CG) @Lamottjackson
That's a good action. I also would perfer when I block people that they know I blocked them. They also shouldn't be allowed to comment on any thread I create going forward in case they try to harass those I allow in my circle.
09:57 AM - Mar 06, 2023
09:59 AM - Mar 06, 2023
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Steve Herzfeld
Spoutible is so much better.
I have a thick skin and I'm used to right-wingers calling me names and being jerks on the bird app, but I can't tell you how much more enjoyable it is here on Spoutible where most people treat others with respect and get booted if they don't.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
10:20 AM - Mar 06, 2023


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