Susan H
And Florida won't be the end of it if they succeed. We all need to get behind those resisting in Florida!
David Berger @CaptW0nd3r
As a Florida teacher, I fear for my students current & future. Teaching has been my passion for my whole career (30 years). The Republicans here are slowly dismantling public education, from book bans to altered history/civics to anti-LGBTQ policies.

I am asking for support. Please echo this.
08:22 PM - Feb 21, 2023
09:16 PM - Feb 21, 2023
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Anton Brakhage
Fascists never stop. They won't stop with queer people-anyone who isn't like them will be a target. They won't stop with banning books-they'll ban people. They won't stop at borders, any more than Germany did or Russia is doing. If they win, they'll manufacture a new scapegoat and turn on each other
In response to Susan H.
03:03 AM - Mar 07, 2023


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