Joyce B
thread 1/8
Dan Marburger died--so there's sudden flurry of 'so sad' over a story of a school shooting that barely warranted any coverage when it happened. After all, at the time, only one student got killed, which, these days, hardly even matters. That the principal has died adds a new spin to the story.....
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 2/8
Call this rant 'you expect me to die for your children.' I taught at a small private school--you know, where no one expects it to happen here. It hasn't, to this point. Every year, we'd have the active shooter drills, and I'd have to coach my 9th & 12th grade students on the protocols (by the way
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 3/8
teach your kids how to use 911, please?). We'd have faculty meetings wherein we learned the latest techniques-I caused a ruckus once, during a debate over who had the authority of the allen wrench to lock the four sets of double glass doors that allowed access to the building, by pointing out that
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 4/8
the active shooter has a fucking AR15 and you have an allen wrench to lock a fucking glass door--good luck with that. So, I had a storage closet in my room, and I'd train the kids to grab their belongings and get in the closet: I never told them that was useless, as the walls were paper-thin and a
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 5/8
AR15 would just blast through....There're some things kids shouldn't have to hear, when they have a glimmer of hope. The best thing a student ever said to me came from a senior, when I was going over the drill with his class. Go in the closet, I told them; I'll join you. What about you? he asked.
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 6/8
I have to go into the hallway to lock the door-because that was the only way to do so. What if he's there-will you come inside? No, because that would lead him inside to you. Whatt will you do? Well, I'll try to run, if I can-away from you. *pause* That's the bravest thing I ever heard, he said
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 7/8
Eventually, we got magnets to put over the lock mechanisms-we still had to open the door in order to remove the magnet, but we didn't need to go all the way into the hall to lock the door. We got the magnets because replacing the doorknobs cost too much. That's the moment when I learned a lesson:
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024
Joyce B
thread 8/8
My life was worth less than the cost of a doorknob. I wish every politician who supports open carry, no background checks, permitless gun ownership, free access to weapons of war, etc., would drown in the blood of their victims. And don't tell me Mr. Marburger's death was "sad." REALLY?!?
06:13 PM - Jan 14, 2024


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