Cynthia Williams
thread 1/20
Here's a new seditious CRT thread under Spoutible's summary feature. I hope you will read my spouts.

Today is MLK Day and it has special meaning to me. I have been fortunate to live near or visit places where MLK did his work. Some of the things I learned about MLK are as follows...
07:16 AM - Jan 15, 2024
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Cynthia Williams
thread 2/20
MLK visited my hometown of Durham, NC to show his support for the Woolsworth Counter protests that were sweeping the South. He visited Durham several times. Local leaders who are still alive and remember his visits say MLK was a young man who spoke softly but with heavenly power.
07:24 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 3/20
When I visited North Carolina A and T University's campus to learn about origin of the Woolsworth Counter protests, these 4 young men are the main story. However, I learned that MLK drank soda pop and relaxed with the students while he visited them. The students truly enjoyed hanging out with MLK.
07:34 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 4/20
I worked in Detroit, MI for many years. One year, I joined a remembrance march for MLK. I marched in MLK's footsteps with a few thousand other Detroiters. Local leaders recounted how MLK's shoes were always polished nicely, but his shoe soles were filled with holes from all the marching he did.
07:43 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 5/20
Another thing I learned about MLK while living in Detroit is that some church congregations thought MLK was a boring sermonist when he started preaching with his Dad. MLK's father was a major force when it came to delivering civil rights-related sermons. MLK refined his sermon delivery w/practice.
07:54 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 6/20
When I visited Morehouse College in Atlanta,I learned that MLK was a voracious reader. He read many of the Western classics, especially by philosophical scholars. MLK would then discuss what he'd read with a small group of classmates. MLK remained a voracious reader throughout his lifetime.
08:00 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 7/20
In a tour of Richmond, Virginia, I learned that MLK made many visits there. The purpose of his visits was often to get financial support for the civil rights movement. Richmond was a central location for civil rights conferences. Those conferences brought together Blacks AND whites with money.
08:09 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 8/20
During my time living in Columbia, SC and before the Emmanuel 9, I marched to remove the Confederate flag flown over the Statehouse. The marchers met in the church MLK visited to rally the city's citizens when MLK marched to the SC Statehouse in the 1950s. I learned the KKK threatened shooting MLK.
08:17 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 9/20
I attended Cornell University where I learned that MLK visited. I didn't know that MLK had gone this far into the northern states. MLK visited Cornell to meet with it's white students. The college students had qs about the reports of violence in the South and wanted to know if true and how to help.
08:24 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 10/20
I attended an executive program at Columbia University in New York City. There I learned that MLK met with the faculty, administration, and students. MLK was a part of panel discussions at Columbia's law school and gave his expert opinion the legality/morality of the civil rights movement
08:31 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 11/20
When I visited MLK's Church in Atlanta, Georgia, I was struck by how intimate the church felt inside. Tears came to my eyes when I reflected upon the personal fears MLK had to keep hidden as he preached to the attendees to never stop marchingor demanding their equal rights....despite bomb threats.
08:41 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 12/20
I often visit Washington, DC for a variety of reasons. During one of my trips, I stood on the steps where MLK stood to speak for the March on Washington. I cannot express adequately the images that ran thru my mind of the throng of Americans...of all backgrounds...who attended to hear him speak.
08:52 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 13/20
When I worked in Germany, I discovered that many Germans love MLK. This seems strange doesn't it? The Germans who spoke to me about MLK expressed eargerly that MLK's civil rights movement was a light upon the world after the darkness and persecution of Hitler's Nazi, Germany. MLK is their hero.
09:01 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 14/20
I rode my 1st Greyhound bus traveling from Michigan back to North Carolina during a college break. I was one of the 1st to jump off the bus when we reached my hometown. My father proudly reminded me that at 26 years old man, named MLK Jr., and other boycotters made my safe bus ride possible.
09:38 AM - Jan 15, 2024 (Edited)
Cynthia Williams
thread 15/20
I often fly Delta or United Airlines. I was the 1st in my immediate family to fly in an airplane. Once again, my father counseled me re:MLK. "Be sure you fly the airlines that let MLK fly unrestricted. The pilots who flew MLK safely were good people."

Who says DEI doesn't bring in business?
09:46 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 16/20
On a business trip to Palo Alto, I took a tour of Los Angeles and Hollywood. On the tour, MLK was mentioned as part of the city's Black history. MLK did civil rights work in LA. Many actors donated to MLK because he couldn't pay all his household bills due to his time away advocating for others.
09:52 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 17/20
When I visited Australia, I was mistaken for an Aborigine. The coworkers I ate dinner with at a local restaurant received an anonymous complaint re: my presence. The complaint was later shared with me by a group member who vehemently apologized.

I understand why Aborigines are inspired by MLK.
09:59 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 18/20
If you read this far in my seditious CRT thread, I hope I was able to convey this thought,

Although Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Is a legend and an icon, he was also a regular guy. He loved, laughed, cried, feared, and dreamed just like you and I. Please don't turn MLK into an unrelatable hero.
10:14 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 19/20
Finally, please visit the MLK Memorial when you travel to Washington, DC. Ask a Park Ranger to explain the reason the memorial has almost 200 cherry blossom trees. Then stand by the memorial facing the trees and look up. I promise you'll feel the spirit of MLK smiling down upon you. ✊🏾

10:24 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Cynthia Williams
thread 20/20
happy MLK Day!
10:25 AM - Jan 15, 2024
Jacqueline Wallace
A magnificent presentation of Dr. King. He seemed to be everywhere and in every home. He was a catalyst for change. The road was hard, hopeful, dangerous by turns. Thank you so much for posting. Grateful. 🥲
In response to Cynthia Williams.
10:51 AM - Jan 15, 2024


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