Professor Kyle
In other words, don't drag down Democrats by blaming them for a Republican-caused problem. And why is the GOP doing this? Because their fragile, privileged, all-white constituency has never had to make any sacrifices or been told what to do & doesn't give a shit about the greater good.
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
Here's a (gifted) article for those attacking the Biden administration over covid: "Conservative covid backlash handcuffs public health, pandemic response." Given the vocal opposition they've done an amazing job; any GOP admin would be a thousand times worse.
10:16 AM - Mar 08, 2023
10:22 AM - Mar 08, 2023
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Steve Herzfeld
In response to Professor Kyle.
Great point.
Far too many people don't realize that there are only 2 choices: Democrats or Republicans.
Republicans want people to vote for them or to not vote. Republicans are constantly causing chaos and lying, in part, to drive down voter turnout.
10:52 AM - Mar 08, 2023


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