Professor Kyle
In other words, don't drag down Democrats by blaming them for a Republican-caused problem. And why is the GOP doing this? Because their fragile, privileged, all-white constituency has never had to make any sacrifices or been told what to do & doesn't give a shit about the greater good.
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
Here's a (gifted) article for those attacking the Biden administration over covid: "Conservative covid backlash handcuffs public health, pandemic response." Given the vocal opposition they've done an amazing job; any GOP admin would be a thousand times worse.
10:16 AM - Mar 08, 2023
10:22 AM - Mar 08, 2023
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Steve Herzfeld
Great point.
Far too many people don't realize that there are only 2 choices: Democrats or Republicans.
Republicans want people to vote for them or to not vote. Republicans are constantly causing chaos and lying, in part, to drive down voter turnout.
In response to Professor Kyle.
10:52 AM - Mar 08, 2023


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