Rep. Ritchie Torres
Shame on Tucker Carlson as he sets out to radically rewrite the history of Jan 6.

He would have you believe that Jan 6 was nothing more than a misunderstood attempt at touring the Capitol. Tell that to the 140 officers who were assaulted.
08:13 PM - Mar 08, 2023
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Mary OContrary
In response to Rep. Ritchie Torres.
We now know beyond a doubt that Fox News is propaganda. What is being done about it?

Why are they still allowed a White House press pass?

Why are TV channels still tuned to Fox at all DoD facilities?

Is Congress putting any pressure on Rupert to fire Tucker?

So many questions!
08:30 PM - Mar 08, 2023 (Edited)
Susan Sevranek
Absolutely agree they should NOT ever be let into that room nor on Military bases !
They are the highest dividers of this country and a major cause of the hate spewed by their followers. Sadly my son is one of them but I am working on changing that ! Planting my own seeds of truth when I get the ch
In response to Mary OContrary.
11:20 AM - Mar 09, 2023 (Edited)


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