Jason Bu_ ☕
thread 1/3
Well, I'm pretty much over my COVID infection, I think. Attitudes at work worry me; the shift in #COVID19 attitudes: From high alert to treating it like a common cold. While it feels like a return to normal, we might be overlooking long-term health risks and the importance of ongoing vaccines.
08:00 AM - Feb 12, 2024
Jason Bu_ ☕
thread 2/3
I followed Ministry guidelines: Stay home a min 24 hours post fever, provided no new or worsening symptoms you may return. If it's in the 10-day window wear a mask, which I did. I noticed many folks hacking and coughing not wearing masks. When I asked them if they tested they said naw, just a cold.
08:04 AM - Feb 12, 2024
Jason Bu_ ☕
thread 3/3
I agree that we need to carry on. Return to normal operations but can we not just normalize wearing a mask for 10 days? I feel like at this point the anti-maskers / anti-vaxxers have won the long game. We are screwed for the next one... 85% probability of another one within 25 years.
08:15 AM - Feb 12, 2024
Annie Bee Good
In response to Jason Bu_ ☕.
Those "naw, just a cold" folks gave my masked husband covid for the 1st time during this whole thing. And he gave it to me before he realized. 1 way masking is only so effective when 4-5 inconsiderate, coughing people surround you. PSA: We don't want your "just a cold" either!
08:44 AM - Feb 12, 2024
Jason Bu_ ☕
In response to Annie Bee Good.
Yup, exactly how I got it... and gave it to the rest of my family. I'm not happy about the fact that I got it. Agree we should mask up for cold/flu symptoms too, especially if no one is testing. The anti-mask sentiment is very frustrating... I received looks. Many first-responders too - baffled.
11:13 AM - Feb 12, 2024


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