Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 1/10
To be perfectly honest this is why I hate politics online. And when I say "this," y'all know what the hell I'm talking about. I was inundated with it all day. I know its an election year, I expect politics. But stop responding to every troll and idiot here to wind you up.
10:55 PM - Mar 03, 2024 (Edited)
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Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 2/10
I block fools but I will also mute friends for a little while because my mental health has to be my top priority. If my mental health had to experience everyday here like today was here, I'd just pack up and leave. It was terrible. And as I said, I know the importance of politics.
11:03 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 3/10
I have a history degree. I believe in civic engagement, I vote in every election, I speak constantly on the importance of voting and being an important part of your local, state, national, and global world. You can't complain if you didn't do your part, or so the saying goes.
11:06 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 4/10
I recognized a fair share of people today mentioned watching the Lawrence O'Donnell clip. I thought it was utterly brilliant in many ways. But what I held onto the most after walking away from it, was people's incessant need for performance where politics are concerned.
11:08 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 5/10
That's all I see when I see troll posts and Bernie Bros, and "progressives", and The New York Times. Its not just an election year, its also awards season and the crowd is thick for Best Douche-hose in a political social media thread or best portrayal of the sky is falling by an internet blogger.
11:12 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 6/10
Its theater to these bots, trolls, and chaos agents who get joy from dragging reasonable people into arguments with them. I don't think its fair that we get egged on and attacked by them, but its the 21st century and too many people are invested in this psychological violence for it to just stop.
11:14 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 7/10
Having said all that, I've know since 1988, as a 10 year old, that I was a strong, blue collar, union supporting, pro-woman, pro-gay (it was called at the time) Democrat. I've never once been in the fence about who I was voting for in a general Presidential election.
11:17 PM - Mar 03, 2024 (Edited)
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 8/10
So the political theater is a waste of my time...and has at times in the near past made me contemplate exit strategies. I never want to be there again so if that means turning off the goid along with the bad because the good insist on responding to every clearly orchestrated post, I'll do that.
11:20 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 9/10
It might get lonely here, just down to me following animal, art, and food pages, but my peace of mind & the pieces of my mind are worth that. I know its an election year, I know the routines and rhetoric, but I'm also sick to death of it. I'm not threatening to unfollow people, I'm just speaking.
11:23 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 10/10
And now I'm done speaking. Time has gotten away from me and my feet are in pain so I'm going to medicate, read some fanfiction, and go to bed. I thought of listening to some heavy metal for self-soothing but I'd be up until 1 in the morning trying to come down from rage to normal Montiese crazy.
11:27 PM - Mar 03, 2024 (Edited)
Jacqueline Wallace
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
It’s nice to be confident and secure in your position. But when a concerted effort, suddenly by a “gang” moves into your community, there needs to be a community response. Yes, individuals can block but these sowers of doubt can spread their message to others. Community assists community. Or not.
11:23 PM - Mar 03, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Jacqueline Wallace.
I always assist my community, online and in real life. I fail to understand how a 9 thread argument with a troll, human or otherwise, assists anyone. People make posts about how to report behavior, what to look for in trolls or disingenuous people, how to GOTV, those things assist the community.
11:32 PM - Mar 03, 2024


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