Bob - Garden is Life
thread 1/5
I find this delicious on so many levels. The RNC was one of the few places remaining with some competence, and now it's going away. All the unified messaging, helping down ballot candidates, all burned to the ground. Even after TFG loses, it'll take forever to rebuild that expertise, if ever.
Allwftopic @Allwftopic
Bloodbath at RNC: Trump team slashes staff at committee

Donald Trump’s newly installed leadership team at the Republican National Committee on Monday began the process of pushing out dozens of officials, according to two people close to the Trump campaign and the RNC.
07:00 PM - Mar 11, 2024
07:15 PM - Mar 11, 2024
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Bob - Garden is Life
thread 2/5
I have to say, I love seeing this. Mitt Romney got rich by taking over companies, laying everybody off, selling the parts, and pocketing the pension fund. Really, look up "Romney Bain Capital." I love seeing the RNC similarly treated.

The RNC is now run tops-down by a desperate criminal with a
07:18 PM - Mar 11, 2024
Bob - Garden is Life
thread 3/5
deteriorating mind. He's not thinking one whit about the GOP or republicanism or any of it. He's worried about keeping his ass out of jail and every iota of energy expended by the RNC from this point forward is in service of this.

The GOP could have kicked him to the side of the road 8 years ago.
07:19 PM - Mar 11, 2024
Bob - Garden is Life
thread 4/5
A few started down that path even after the Access Hollywood incident. But they all got back on that bus and backed TFG. They all deserve every bit of payback they're getting now. At this rate, there won't even be any ashes left to rebuild from. I think electoral catastrophe awaits in November, and
07:20 PM - Mar 11, 2024
Bob - Garden is Life
thread 5/5
it could be worse than anybody can even imagine right now. There is no money for campaigns. There is nobody at the wheel coordinating efforts. The GOP is going off the rails. Pull up a seat because this show is going to be epic. /fin
07:22 PM - Mar 11, 2024
Connie Eyer
I’m going to enjoy watching the RNC implode while its down-ballot candidates look on in horror when they realize they’ll be getting 0 financial or staff support. And the rest of us will get to see his lunatic dictator skills on display in real time.
In response to Bob - Garden is Life.
08:25 PM - Mar 11, 2024
Bob - Garden is Life
In response to Connie Eyer.
Right? I think there are a lot of folks who don't understand that was part of the GOP secret sauce in keeping an iron grip on red state legislatures, the RNC funding and coordination. I think this is going to become quite apparent.
08:27 PM - Mar 11, 2024


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