Christopher Bouzy
Unfortunately, that isn't the issue. It's a handful of users believing they can dictate policy and demand who can and can't remain here. My job is to make sure those handful of users don't ruin the experience for the rest of the community.
Dave Plus Coffee (he/him) @davepluscoffee
IDK the specifics of what led to our recent kerfuffle. My sense is it's rooted in people feeling protective of something they're invested in.

The real question is: do we use & trust the tools that Spoutible provides to handle when we can't coexist? There's a lot riding on that answer 🌈✨🐳
06:17 AM - Mar 12, 2024
06:52 AM - Mar 12, 2024
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Andrea Ball
Some users seem more invested in their personal importance than in anything larger than themselves. Guarding the edge of the playground.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
10:35 AM - Mar 12, 2024


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