Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
Thus is why I tolerate Steele as a political voice. He is Conservative, truly, but he's not a treasonist. He believes in and will always speak and fight for American ideals and democracy.
Fighting For Democracy! @Charm
Former RNC Chair Michael Steele, during an MSNBC appearance, encouraged Republicans who are hesitant about supporting Donald Trump to vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election. Steele emphasized that this choice transcends party lines, arguing it's about prioritizing the country's welfare.
08:15 PM - Mar 23, 2024
09:40 PM - Mar 23, 2024 (Edited)
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Jeff Pilchard
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
I sincerely wish he would leave the Republican Party. It's broken, beyond repair, it's incredibly racist and sexist and homophobic, not to mention fascist, and just by his presence his is legitimizing it. I agree with what everyone here has said: he's one of the adults in the room. But . . .
10:02 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Jeff Pilchard
In response to Jeff Pilchard.
And I should add, he's giving cover to all the semi-reasonable White people who want to pretend the Republican Party isn't deeply racist so they can continue to support that party.
10:04 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Jeff Pilchard.
I don't disagree with you. But when you don't necessarily agree with all the tenets of the other party, what do you do.m? It shouldn't be a deal breaker for a Black person to be a true conservative. I do hate the Republican party, but where else is there for conservatives to go, of any color?
10:33 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Susan Simon
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
Tolerate, is the correct term. Few who have anything 2 lose who stay around and try 2 convince their constituents....The Repubs are doomed to long term failure so long as their base keep electing candidates who only appeal 2 angry, crazed bigots. But I'll happily welcome Steele 2 the Cheney crew.
10:01 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Susan Simon.
Cheney crew? Cheney is a hard-core Republican who voted with Trump over 90% of the time. She is no hero and she gives no fucks about any of us. All she did was her job. She was on a committee in her capacity as a Congresswoman and she did her job. That's all. Read her record, it's self-explanatory.
10:43 PM - Mar 23, 2024
My Flying Car 2020
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
He makes me want to puke less than the rest of them. I appreciate when they have standards and lines they refuse to cross.
09:46 PM - Mar 23, 2024
k hola (she/her)
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
we don’t have to agree on how to run the government but we must agree that handing her over to people who would sell her to the highest bidder is unacceptable. art of war says it is best to align with a lesser enemy against a more dangerous common enemy. respect to this conservative for doing that
09:45 PM - Mar 23, 2024


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