Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
Thus is why I tolerate Steele as a political voice. He is Conservative, truly, but he's not a treasonist. He believes in and will always speak and fight for American ideals and democracy.
Fighting For Democracy! @Charm
Former RNC Chair Michael Steele, during an MSNBC appearance, encouraged Republicans who are hesitant about supporting Donald Trump to vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election. Steele emphasized that this choice transcends party lines, arguing it's about prioritizing the country's welfare.
08:15 PM - Mar 23, 2024
09:40 PM - Mar 23, 2024 (Edited)
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Jeff Pilchard
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
I sincerely wish he would leave the Republican Party. It's broken, beyond repair, it's incredibly racist and sexist and homophobic, not to mention fascist, and just by his presence his is legitimizing it. I agree with what everyone here has said: he's one of the adults in the room. But . . .
10:02 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Jeff Pilchard.
I don't disagree with you. But when you don't necessarily agree with all the tenets of the other party, what do you do.m? It shouldn't be a deal breaker for a Black person to be a true conservative. I do hate the Republican party, but where else is there for conservatives to go, of any color?
10:33 PM - Mar 23, 2024
Jeff Pilchard
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
It is a problem. Unfortunately, "conservatism" in America over the last 70 years or so has always had a racist edge. Conservatives have portrayed Black people as criminals & welfare cheats & druggies, all in order to reduce gov't benefits & get "tough" on crime (but not White-collar [sic] crime).
12:14 AM - Mar 24, 2024
Jeff Pilchard
In response to Jeff Pilchard.
If Steele doesn't want to become a Democrat, fine. But at least IM(NS)HO, the Republican Party is so tainted that it's unfixable. Steele would be a great person to try to start a new conservative party.
12:16 AM - Mar 24, 2024
⚛️Shawn Athan
In response to Jeff Pilchard.
What even is "a new conservative party"?

They'd have to include gay rights and women's rights.
12:19 AM - Mar 24, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
It's the gif for me. Lol.

Conservatives aren't really down for women's and gay's rights. They're supporters of the patriarchy, and will always be in the late 1950s somewhere. But for Black men, and other men of color, dropping the racist aspect would have them jumping on a new Conservative party.
12:50 AM - Mar 24, 2024 (Edited)
⚛️Shawn Athan
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
And thats why I was very specific about women's and gay rights. In my mind they already have the uneducated straight black men because of the patriarchy and the black church.
12:54 AM - Mar 24, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
Mmm hmm. Some uber-religious Black women as well because they are anti-LGBTQ and anti-feminist and surely pro-life. My great-grandmother was a Republican. I know she voted for them up through Reagan. LBJ may have been the one exception.
12:57 AM - Mar 24, 2024
⚛️Shawn Athan
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
Omg. Luckily for me my elders all resided in DC so they went through the red lining, the segregation, multiple schools through desegregation, etc. When I was young I was shocked to see my aunties walk across the screen when my teacher showed us a video of the million man March. Those are my peeps.
01:01 AM - Mar 24, 2024
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
My dad was a Reagan Democrat. My mom's family, other than Nana, were Dems but very religious. I grew up in a relatively conservative home. I was always an imaginative free thinker, a handful from the beginning. And I refused to hate, it just didn't sit well with me.
01:30 AM - Mar 24, 2024
⚛️Shawn Athan
Oh, mine were very religious too. They didn't take it very well when I stopped going to church at 15. It was their fault. They had no answers. I put it on them then and I still do today. Find me some answers! The hardest thing I've ever had to do was ask my Grandma how she felt about dying. 1/?
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
01:40 AM - Mar 24, 2024
⚛️Shawn Athan
In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
(She was passing of cancer) She said to me

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

I no longer belive but that gave me comfort and discomfort that in her passing she still had faith. 2/?
01:45 AM - Mar 24, 2024
⚛️Shawn Athan
In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
She was my most favorite person in the world. But she's also the one that instilled the word of God in me... which in turn caused me the most harm to my pshcye. Lord... I'm rambling now, I've had a few. Anywhere, being black and raised Christian ain't easy... at all. 3/3
01:47 AM - Mar 24, 2024 (Edited)


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