Isa-Lee Wolf
I always, but always stand with Kace, because Kace has always, but always stood with me.

I thought I made that clear before but apparently not clear enough.

And we go way back to early trump twitter days, it's been a while, I know who Kace is.
Katie in KY @booksnbourbonlady
I have known and communicated with Kace well before the Pandemic. They have been a rock for me in many ways. They helped me through an extremely difficult breakup/breakdown. They have been a mentor to me in many ways. They have brought humor to my life, and made me stop and think more than a few
11:00 AM - Apr 04, 2024
11:07 AM - Apr 04, 2024
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Isa-Lee Wolf
In response to ManKillah Fruitface.
I love you too💙💙💙 We have been through a lot together, and I just won't have someone slandering my friend like that.
12:57 PM - Apr 04, 2024


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