AprilG Xn+2 = Xn+1 + Xn

In the bustling café, the espresso machine hissed & dripped, a rhythmic melody in the air. As the barista crafted the perfect cup, each #drip echoed the anticipation of a new day—a blend of caffeine & possibilities, awakening the city.
Spoutories (CLOSED) @Spoutories
Today’s #Spoutories prompt is #drip (word or inspiration)

Make a new post including the two hashtags. Write a one-spout story for the prompt.

Keep it clean as per Spoutible rules.

There are no time limits on previous prompts; use or re-use as you like.

Have fun!
08:25 AM - Apr 25, 2024
12:44 AM - Apr 26, 2024
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