Anton Brakhage
For any dumb fucks feeling "nostalgia" for the days of kids in cages, freezers and mass graves full of covid dead, and gallows on the Capitol lawn, let me ask: is it being abused that you long for, or being the abuser? It's got to be one or the other.
Jonathan Meyers @EternalVigilance
The idea of "Trump nostalgia" is pure insanity. It's like craving the return of an abusive relationship because there is a sense of comfort in the familiar and a re-imagined past even though the reality of the relationship was (and would again be) highly destructive. (aka "toxic nostalgia")

06:45 AM - Apr 29, 2024
07:03 AM - Apr 29, 2024
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ML Hart
In response to Anton Brakhage.
I am completely fed up with MSM trying to *create* so-called news or controversy where there is NONE ....
My rage-migraine that started in November 2016 has had moments of easing up (thank you, Biden-Harris!) but lately, it's returned. Arrrggghhh!
07:26 AM - Apr 29, 2024


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