M Kaz
Aside from Spoutible on my laptop?
1. Bruins playoff game on TV vs. Maple Leafs
2. Dog Nina curled up like a cinnamon bun and snoring like a buzzsaw
3. Eye drops
4. Glass of fizzy water
5. Floss pick (I know, horrid to floss in the living room, but nobody else is home at the moment)
jenn ○f many things @JennOfManyThings
Really quick, just for fun, name 5 things that you see around you, super fast.

I'll go first:

1. Couch
2. Fan
3. Remote control
4. Suitcase
5. Stupid piles of clothes that multiply when you put them away! 😡
09:06 PM - Apr 30, 2024
09:35 PM - Apr 30, 2024
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