Bob - Garden is Life
This has other positive effects. Win or lose, every credible campaign builds staff and a bench for candidates and campaign workers. It also gives you the only poll results that matter, the vote. If Adam Frisch hadn't run against BoBo in CO-03, we wouldn't know it was an even district and not R+15.
Peggy Stuart #FirstWave @PeggyStuart
Why support a Democrat for a seat in Utah? Reasons:
1) It forces the GOP to spend money to defend the seat
2) The candidate might win!
I know this candidate personally. He has been involved in Utah politics for a long time and is well-liked.
Please echo and/or donate, or support any way you can.

10:54 AM - May 02, 2024
02:56 PM - May 02, 2024
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Ronald Alexander
If you're not in it you can't win it. Too many seats, especially on the state level go unopposed. Give people a choice and I know money is limited but the DNC can divert some funds to local media to help the brothers and sisters out
In response to Bob - Garden is Life.
02:59 PM - May 02, 2024


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