Lisa Marie ☮️ and love
But, can we discuss Lake Lanier?
The Ghost @GhostOfSpoutible
The ocean is not haunted.

Accuracy Alert!

The sources provided do not offer any scientific or concrete evidence supporting the claim that "The ocean is not haunted." Various references to haunted houses, such as the Amityville house on Ocean Avenue, or haunted ships like the Queen Mary, are made across the sources, but these locations are not representative of the ocean as a whole. The notion of "haunting" is subjective and often based on personal belief, anecdotes, or folklore rather than empirical data. Therefore, the claim in question cannot be conclusively verified or debunked based on the sources given. However, it's worthy to note that credible scientific sources usually do not validate claims of the paranormal.

12:10 PM - May 03, 2024
12:20 PM - May 03, 2024
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