E.G. for Example
Worse than that: They believe they're the only real Americans—simultaneously the only victims of racism and oppression, but the only real Americans. All others don't count, shouldn't get to vote, shouldn't have their stories told in school, in gays' and trans' case shouldn't be allowed to exist.
Most MAGA are racists.

Accuracy Alert!

The claim that 'Most MAGA are racists' cannot be definitively validated by the provided sources. Several sources, such as theconversation.com and reddit.com, suggest that individuals expressing support for the 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) ideology, primarily associated with Donald Trump, might be more likely to harbor extreme or racist views. However, articles from quora.com and britannica.com do not imply that most MAGA supporters are intrinsically racist. Therefore, while some MAGA supporters may express racism, it cannot be conclusively stated that most MAGA supporters are racists based solely on these sources. It's also important to note that political beliefs are complex and individuals within a group can hold a diverse range of views.

09:37 PM - May 03, 2024
09:45 PM - May 03, 2024
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