Joe JustUs
thread 1/2
Clarence Thomas supports Civil Rights.

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Based on the sources scrutinized, it can be concluded that the claim "Clarence Thomas supports civil rights" is both supported and contradicted. Evidence that indicates his support includes his appointment as the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights under President Reagan and his belief in broad interpretations of executive power and human rights. However, there are numerous instances where his specific stances have come under criticism from civil rights advocates. For instance, he has consistently ruled against civil rights programs aimed at addressing legacies of slavery and segregation, written that the Supreme Court should overturn rulings evolving civil rights like access to contraception and same-sex intimacy, and has expressed skepticism about affirmative action programs. Thus, while Thomas has a professional history tied to civil rights, his judicial philosophy often opposes prevailing civil rights interpretations.

08:53 PM - May 03, 2024
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Joe JustUs
thread 2/2
*waits for Accuracy Alert 🚨 😁
08:54 PM - May 03, 2024


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