Kelly L. Green, Ph.D.
1/5 Thanks for asking! Older adults are one of the highest risk groups for suicide, especially older men. Suicide attempts in older adults are more likely to be fatal than in younger adults.
MJL @JustOneMoreThing
I'm an attorney. My practice area is probates and trust administrations. I've had some clients whose elderly loved ones committed suicide. Sometimes because of elder abuse. I would be interested in hearing more about suicide prevention in the elderly communities. Thank you!
10:56 AM - Mar 17, 2023
11:37 AM - Mar 17, 2023
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Kelly L. Green, Ph.D.
In response to Kelly L. Green, Ph.D..
2/5 This difference may be due to greater physical frailty, more planning for an attempt, a greater likelihood of using lethal methods like firearms, and more isolation that would decrease the likelihood of an attempt being interrupted.
11:38 AM - Mar 17, 2023
Kelly L. Green, Ph.D.
In response to Kelly L. Green, Ph.D..
3/5 Suicide is complex and never the result of just one cause. Older adults can often experience potential risk factors for suicide like isolation or lack of connection to others, loss of meaning after life transitions, chronic pain or medical conditions, and certainly abuse can be a factor as well.
11:38 AM - Mar 17, 2023


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