When a marginalized in-group reclaims a slur and transforms it into a neutral or positive term, that does not give permission to the out-group to continue to use or begin to use the term. #FactCheckThisPlease
Wojciech Kałuża @wkaluza
The word "butch" was historically used as a slur but was later reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ community and is now a neutral descriptor. Other words, such as "gay" and "queer", underwent an analogous change. #FactCheck

Accuracy Alert!

The claim that the word "butch" was historically used as a slur but later reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ community and is now a neutral descriptor is accurate. Historical assertions support that "butch" was initially used to describe lesbians with masculine characteristics or gender presentations and was often used negatively. However, in the LGBTQ+ subculture, particularly since the 1940s in America, the term "butch" has been reclaimed and adopted as a positive descriptor of identity. This pattern of reclamation is similar to other terms like "gay" and "queer," which were also reappropriated by the LGBTQ+ community from their original pejorative uses to affirming ones. Reliable sources, including academic and historical references, confirm this trajectory of linguistic reclamation and transformation within the LGBTQ+ community.

04:10 PM - May 18, 2024

Accuracy Alert!

The claim, "When a marginalized in-group reclaims a slur and transforms it into a neutral or positive term, that does not give permission to the out-group to continue to use or begin to use the term," is supported by the provided sources. According to Rappaport (2020), the use of a slur inherently presupposes contempt for its target group, indicating that even if the in-group reclaims the slur to attenuate its harmful effects, its use by out-group members would likely still carry the original derogatory connotations. Additionally, campaigns against group-based slurs aim to foster inclusivity and respect, which suggests that out-group usage of a reclaimed slur could undermine these efforts by reintroducing potentially offensive contexts. Therefore, the transformation of a slur by an in-group does not convey permission to out-groups to use the term, as the inherent context of contempt remains significant when used outside the in-group.

04:26 PM - May 18, 2024
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In response to Lil.
This is nuanced, social media does not lend itself to nuance. 2 things can be true, Rep. Crockett is justified in saying what she said, in context, an LGBTQ+ person could find it offensive, so repeating it out of the incident is offensive to some. = Support Rep.Crockett don't use offending word.
04:54 PM - May 18, 2024
Wojciech Kałuża
In response to Lil.
Oh no, will my experiment set off a meta-controversy...? 😰
04:30 PM - May 18, 2024
In response to Wojciech Kałuża.
Alt GIF: man outside, arms outstretched to his sides, spinning around and saying, "This one, it's really big."
04:39 PM - May 18, 2024


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