Horace Jarrell
Just my take: Fox News told its audience in 2008 that there was NO Way that Barack Obama would get re-elected. In 2012, he did. This came after the fact that George Bush damn near left this country on the verge of total collapse. 9/11. Iraq and NO WMDs. Hurricane Katrina. Collapse of the economy.
10:33 PM - Mar 18, 2023
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Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
I say all of that to state the fact that Bush screwed over his base, the Fox audience. They never trusted John McCain. They didn't get energized for him until Sarah Palin came on the scene. Then, the economy tanked and McCain and Palin were running against history. Guess what: they lost. No biggie.
10:35 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
"Yeah, Bush screwed up. But Obama's gonna make things worse. And when he does, he'll be a one term president like Jimmy Carter." This is also what the Fox audience wanted to say - "...at least Bush could get re-elected." All of that went away the night of November 6, 2012.
10:38 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
To backtrack just a bit: if the Fox audience couldn't stand John McCain, they never trusted Mitt Romney. Remember, during that primary Romney spent damn near a year securing the nomination. Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Newt a 2nd time, and Rick Santorum all gave Romney fits.
10:41 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
Romney didn't become the front runner in the primary until about May of 2012 and even then the Fox audience gave him the serious side eye. I also do believe that Romney's Mormonism hurt w/in his base than what the right was willing to let on.

...then he lost. And the Fox audience said ENOUGH!!
10:43 PM - Mar 18, 2023 (Edited)
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
W Bush was a disaster. B/c he was so bad, Jeb had a snowball's chance in hell. Enter Trump. He wasn't a politician. And the fact that he ran against W during the 2015 primary gave him credibility that no other contestant even dreamed of having. Trump ran solely against W's legacy. AND IT WORKED!!!
10:47 PM - Mar 18, 2023 (Edited)
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
...and lo and behold, b/c of so many mitigating circumstances and the fact that HRC was a terrible campaigner: we had to deal with the unthinkable - that @$$hat got into the Oval Office. We were through the looking glass. And the Fox audience felt that Trump's win restored their America.
10:50 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
Even though 45 got lucky, the Fox audience (now MAGA) truly believed that if Trump were to run head up against Obama - 45 would've beaten 44. THAT's why they love this guy so much. Mainstream press was also selling this nonsense and people thought that this guy was a political force.
10:52 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
Trump never will nor has he ever been a political force - he's a wrestling angle. And the worst thing possible for him was to lose to Barack Obama's VP - Joe Biden. A two time loser. Someone who had never won a presidential primary contest until 2020. And he had been running for PoTUS since 1988.
10:54 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
But b/c 45 never gave a concession speech, he never broke kayfabe and to the Fox audience (MAGA) - the wrestling fans - it was all still real to them. They bought the biggest wrestling angle in the history of American politics - the 2020 election was stolen. And then we got January 6th.
In response to Horace Jarrell.
10:56 PM - Mar 18, 2023 (Edited)
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
Only thing about 1/6 is that now, these people committed an international incident and also broke FEDERAL law. Nevermind COVID. Nevermind vaccination. Nevermind a strong economy (that is dealing with all time high inflation), it is still real to the base that Trump got jobbed.
10:59 PM - Mar 18, 2023
Horace Jarrell
In response to Horace Jarrell.
Even though Joe Biden always said he'd kick Trump's @$$ from the beginning of the Democratic primary, he actually pulled it off and MAGA just cannot comprehend that their lord and savior has been working them like Jerry Lawler in 1970s Memphis wrestling. To these people, Trump represented everything
11:02 PM - Mar 18, 2023


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