Statman Stu
Horrible… and even worse, that the majority of white women vote for Republican extremists, now moving at warp speed to remove their bodily autonomy from them. I can’t wrap my head around women voting for pols taking away access to abortion pills & medical options that have existed for 60 yrs!
✨Witchy Woman✨ @wicked_wiccan76
oh so they admit it huh? so women aren't lying about rampant sexual assault, how about that?

i want to say unfuckingbelievable but this is totally believable and exactly what the church does - rationalize their shitty behavior.
06:41 AM - Mar 19, 2023
07:54 AM - Mar 19, 2023
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Kerri MacDhomnhuil
I don’t quite understand how they can still vote Republican, BUT I will say the couple of friends who do vote R are heavily influenced by their spouse.
In response to Statman Stu.
08:08 AM - Mar 19, 2023
✨Witchy Woman✨
In response to Kerri MacDhomnhuil.
yep there you go. sometimes it's as simple as that.

keep in mind most of these women are trad so they think the man decides everything and they just go with it.

because thinking for yourself is hard and it' so much easier to allow a man to do the thinking for you 🙄
07:32 PM - Mar 19, 2023


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