Cheerful Corvid
Oof. Today has been rough. It was a busy weekend. The teenagers were cranky. One in particular wanted to stay home today. I let her. she kept being rude. There's been fighting and crying. I regret everything I've said. We're still tired and miserable.
Please tell me it's OK
04:03 PM - Mar 20, 2023
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Dawn Johnson
In response to Cheerful Corvid.
I don't know exactly what's going on, but if you are dealing with teenagers, this too shall pass.

I say that as the mom of a 41 and 37 year old.

The teen years are hard on teens and maybe even harder on their parents! If you can get a little alone time, take it.
04:07 PM - Mar 20, 2023
Cheerful Corvid
In response to Dawn Johnson.
There's really nothing going on except tired cranky teen daughter is so rude to me sometimes... ugh. She's fine at school and with her friends and then it wears her out and she comes home mean and I lose patience... maybe every 2 months or so things blow up
04:42 PM - Mar 20, 2023
Dawn Johnson
In response to Cheerful Corvid.
I've totally been there. Even when you understand it, it's tough. If she's good at school and feels safe blowing up at home, you're doing it right!

I say that as a mom and a (retired) teacher. Kids are amazing, and so interesting, and sometimes so hard on us. I can't imagine life without them.
04:44 PM - Mar 20, 2023
Cheerful Corvid
Thank you so much for the kindness. And congrats on raising yours well into adulthood 🥰🥰 some of these teenage days feel like they last a year.. but they're both good and I'm very proud. Proud and so tired and frustrated sometimes 🤣🥰 and confused by the simultaneous strong discordant emotions
In response to Dawn Johnson.
07:13 PM - Mar 20, 2023
Dawn Johnson
In response to Cheerful Corvid.
You just described that so perfectly! Proud, tired, frustrated, and confused, that totally tracks.

FWIW, as adults both of my kids have spontaneously apologized for all of the shenanigans and drama during their teen years. But I told them that they were just doing what teens do. It's rough tho.
08:11 AM - Mar 21, 2023
Cheerful Corvid
In response to Dawn Johnson.
That's so sweet.
My kids definitely haven't put me through anything outside the realm of standard middle school stuff 🤣 but I was rotten at dealing with middle school my first time around! So feeling like I'm there again, through the kids, is tough! I was better at high school 🤣
08:59 AM - Mar 22, 2023


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