Christopher Bouzy
Spoutible is 49 days old. Twitter launched in 2006, look at when many of your favorite follows finally joined Twitter. It is going to take months and in some cases years, before people join. What you and others can do is mention Spoutible each time they tweet. Word of mouth is powerful.
Trust Facts @TrustFacts
This is my fav site & I want to quit Twitter. Why don't I?

There are politicians, news agencies, doctors & journalists that are on Twitter and not here. I don't like Twitter but I have to go there to see Obama, Biden, Jeffries, Raskin, etc.

@cbouzy please research why they are not coming.
08:06 AM - Mar 22, 2023
08:14 AM - Mar 22, 2023
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Trust Facts
I do understand that it takes time and I do encourage people, but I am answering why some people don't quit. Honestly and sincerely trying.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
08:32 AM - Mar 22, 2023
Diane Turner
In response to Trust Facts.
Even Spoutible will have rude people. Sorry. Most people haven’t quit Twitter entirely. Those who have good for them. I often go to see what is trending and breaking there. I have found that by then discussing what I find there here- I am less stressed than before.
03:26 PM - Mar 22, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Trust Facts.
Some people make money being there. What they tweet an how they influence us just as much a job as journalism or acting or being a comedian. It's about getting paid.
08:55 AM - Mar 22, 2023


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