Bun the Franky
Hopefully this is something that is reevaluated down the road. So many design choices were made with the intent to reduce trolling and other abuses, as people discover more *how* to do certain things like this, abuse will surely arrive with an influx of more users.
Bun the Franky @ZomBunnyFrank
It's an interesting quirk of Spoutible that people with private accounts can use the quote-spout to shit-talk you to the general timeline, and you can even see it, but you can't say anything in response because they have their accounts set to private.
03:41 PM - Mar 22, 2023
03:44 PM - Mar 22, 2023
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Barb Hrmn
In response to Bun the Franky.
Not everybody knows the settings well enough to know they've been set to private. It doesn't show as openly as it did elsewhere, and we're all new here. I've seen at least one account today that I follow say she didn't know she was set to private.
03:55 PM - Mar 22, 2023
Bun the Franky
In response to Barb Hrmn.
That's a good point, but then the use of a quote-spout rather than just a reply would either indicate the person knew I wouldn't see a reply, or that they just wanted to enjoy the old Twitter pastime of dunking on something I said. Either one is pretty cringe-y.
04:03 PM - Mar 22, 2023


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