Kelly G
I however, AM a citizen, & I have a right to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness. If I believe that the fetus will infringe upon those rights once it becomes a citizen, I, as Queen of my uterus, can take steps to prevent that fetus from leaving the monarchy of my uterus. /2
Kelly G @KellyG
🧵 Let's look at the abortion debate from a new angle. A fetus is not a US citizen until it is born. Until then, it is a citizen of the uterus containing it, and that person decides if it lives. Conception here doesn't make you a citizen. So the fetus has no right to life yet. /1
10:26 PM - Mar 29, 2023
10:26 PM - Mar 29, 2023
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In response to Kelly G.
Excellent point. This is all about power and control anyway. Like the bogus war on drugs Cannabis in particular. It has been used as medicine and entertainment for thousands of years. There has never been an overdose death from it yet is listed as a schedule 1 substance.Only2control people of colour
10:39 PM - Mar 29, 2023


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