NY FlyGirl
As a native New Yorker, I knew dTrumpf and his whole grifter family were a bunch of scumbags for decades! I'm so glad to see he's finally getting what's coming to him. I was worried he was going to drop dead before he was held accountable for anything.
Penny @Feistychik
Anyone who knew who Trump was for the 5 decades prior to him conning his way into the White House should have known this already...
10:58 AM - Apr 03, 2023
12:08 PM - Apr 03, 2023
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Vanessa White
In response to NY FlyGirl.
Stay tuned. Being arrested doesn’t mean he’s being held accountable for anything. His MO has been to have his attorneys file a bunch of frivolous BS to gum up the works. I imagine this will keep him from going to trial and he’ll die before any trial is ever started.
12:54 PM - Apr 03, 2023
NY FlyGirl
That's been his MO in the past but I humbly disagree that it's going to happen this time. Judges are well aware of his tactics and I believe they are going to hold him accountable sooner rather than later.
In response to Vanessa White.
01:07 PM - Apr 03, 2023
Vanessa White
In response to NY FlyGirl.
Hope you’re right. Even with J6, he’s filed frivolous BS to keep his upper echelon people from testifying. Ultimately they will, but delay delay delay. I might be encouraged if he were you know, 40. But he’s pushing 80 in bad health 🤦🏻‍♀️
01:24 PM - Apr 03, 2023


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