Professor Kyle
If you're insured through work & don't personally benefit from the exchange/Medicaid, here're some of your ACA benefits:
•young adults stay on parents' plan till 26
•can't be denied insurance for pre-existing conditions
•preventative care is 100% free (cancer screening, vaccines, annual exams, etc.)
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
I've been insured for the last 13 years because of it, after 12 years without insurance. Thank you President Obama & all who made it possible. 10s of millions are insured due to the exchange & Medicaid expansion, while those on other plans have innumerable benefits that were previously denied.
01:54 PM - Mar 22, 2023
02:02 PM - Mar 22, 2023 (Edited)
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J.D. Cunegan
And, probably because of the 85% provision relating to insurers spending on medical care, my diabetes medication and insulin are far more affordable than they would be otherwise.
In response to Professor Kyle.
04:43 PM - Apr 07, 2023


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