Diana Lukasik
Do you mean to tell me while I was sleeping, Dominion settled their $1.6 billion lawsuit against FOX for $787.5 million?
FOX is getting away with everything!
I believe we wanted FOX to BEGONE!
Yes, voting is OUR only power and only recourse.
Yimi_Kyrabo @Yimi_Kyrabo
Interestingly, most people seem to think Fox kinda got off, despite an over 3/4-billion-dollar settlement. I think so too. The collective WE wanted the menace, Fox, to be humbled and today's results are somehow not enough. It is w/deepest sympathy that I say once again, voting is OUR only power.
05:11 PM - Apr 18, 2023
05:25 PM - Apr 18, 2023
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Bert D
In response to Diana Lukasik.
While we wanted FOX to be held accountable, remember, DOMINION had lawyers and their FIRST loyalty is to what the customer wants. Dominion wanted FOX to PAY for defaming them. This was a business decision for them.

We didn't get to see FOX humiliated, but 787 MIL is a load of humiliation!
05:29 PM - Apr 18, 2023
Diana Lukasik
In response to Bert D.
I hear what you are saying, but I was hoping against hope that this would be the beginning of the end of FOX.
They have contributed to poisoning and indoctrinating so many with their lies, deception and angry vitriol.
05:38 PM - Apr 18, 2023
Bert D
In response to Diana Lukasik.
Now remember, there is ANOTHER company that has also sued FOX, and that company knows what the price tag is. So either they cough up adequately or there will be more "disclosures". I don't know. Sometimes I feel I am sadistic and love to watch evil doers suffer, over extend period of time ✊
05:46 PM - Apr 18, 2023
Diana Lukasik
In response to Bert D.
Yes, you are correct. FOX has to deal with another lawsuit, but unfortunately it seems the payouts are just a drop in the bucket to them.
I would like to see the biggest offenders at their station permanently removed.
05:51 PM - Apr 18, 2023
Bert D
In response to Diana Lukasik.
Well, then I guess it will be up to us, you and I and the rest of the people who really are not caught up in this bigotry and craziness called CHRISTIAN LED WHITE AGENDA to fight and elect the right people to the jobs, so that we don't have to rely on business to do the work for us!
05:55 PM - Apr 18, 2023
Diana Lukasik
Perfectly stated! Yes, we all have to believe in the power of our votes 🗳️
In response to Bert D.
06:12 PM - Apr 18, 2023


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