lisa hendricks
I graduated from this school district, but we moved to keep our kids from having to go through what I did. I had swastikas carved on my desk & my locker, I was called a dirty k*ke & Jew bitch more times than I can count and had zero support when I reported the antisemitism. Some things never change.
08:41 PM - Apr 20, 2023
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Barbara Reid
In response to lisa hendricks.
It's so disheartening to see that time has not improved the very attitudes that hurt you most as a kid, isn't it? Sometimes, the hatefulness seems even worse. I'm sorry you went through that and sorry it's still going on. Standing with you today and always.
08:46 PM - Apr 20, 2023
Max Prophet
In response to lisa hendricks.
I'm glad I don't have kids. School bullying was a daily event for me over the courses many years. If I had kids going through the same thing, I'd probably be arrested after I dealt with the school authorities. When I was a kid. They were part of the problem too. Turning a blind eye.
08:45 PM - Apr 20, 2023


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