Moody Monster
These are pictures of a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse. My father was extremely abusive & would tell me every day that I was fat & ugly, & no one would ever love me. I could not understand what I was doing that was so awful, I believed him because he was supposed to be the one to take care of me. 1/
11:22 AM - May 03, 2023
Moody Monster
In response to Moody Monster.
When I was 13, the horror of our home life was exposed. This kicked off a long & painful criminal court case in which my siblings & I were treated more like offenders. It felt as though we were not believed. I spent hours being interrogated about the things he would do to us 2/
11:23 AM - May 03, 2023
Moody Monster
In response to Moody Monster.
including having to stand in front of a grand jury to share the pain I endured to a group of strangers. I was a teenager & I was terrified.

After spending six years fighting to put my father in prison, he went away for 4 years. FOUR. 3/
11:24 AM - May 03, 2023 (Edited)
Moody Monster
The DA asked us to drop the physical abuse charges so that it would be easier to get a plea deal - to make THEIR job easier.

My sibling sent me a Facebook post that sent me reeling. My father was extradited & was indicted for Felonious Sexual Assault on a child - his third wife's relative. 4/
In response to Moody Monster.
11:25 AM - May 03, 2023 (Edited)
Moody Monster
In response to Moody Monster.
The judge in the case remarked that he was one of the most dangerous offenders he had ever sentenced & gave him 40 - 80 years.

I gained more confidence through my career, my marriage & ultimately, my children. It was when I became a mother that I found my voice. 5/
11:27 AM - May 03, 2023 (Edited)
Moody Monster
In response to Moody Monster.
I was a mama bear – fiercely protective & I had the confidence to speak up for them, so that they never felt the way I felt when I was a child.

I want to bring to light what happens to children when these monsters get light sentences. 6/
11:27 AM - May 03, 2023 (Edited)


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