Dave Plus Coffee (he/him)
Okay, so now I'm curious: where do y'all land on the conversational style spectrum?

With only four options (and that thrice-cursed poll option character limit) this is hardly scientific, but now I just want to see where people land .. what's your preferred method of chin-waggery? 🤔

Narrow & Deep-exploring!

Shallow & Broad-sharing!

Both (lean Narrow/Deep)

Both (lean Shallow/Broad)

Dave Plus Coffee (he/him) @davepluscoffee
My style is maybe a bit old-timey .. I like narrow & deep explorations, & maybe I'm just not chatting up the right people, but nowadays the vibe for real feels more shallow & broad

I miss delving. More people should delve. I tend to feel like ppl just wait their turn to empty their mental buffer :/
08:50 AM - May 04, 2023
5 votes — 09:00 AM - May 04, 2023


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