Professor Kyle
Those who didn't vote for Clinton: you didn't just lose us Roe. You also prevented gun restrictions. You allowed evil GOP state govs to pass bigoted, harmful laws, knowing the SC will uphold them. You set the country back decades. All because seeing a strong woman in power made you uncomfortable.
12:14 AM - May 07, 2023
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Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®
In response to Professor Kyle.
What's awful is I'm seeing some rumblings, not sure how real they are, that some ppl are considering not voting for Biden. It's just beyond belief given what's going on in our country right now, anyone who isn't MAGA would be thinking of supporting someone else. If we don't unite, we'll be heilng.
12:51 AM - May 07, 2023
Nancy Morgan
Ugh, people and their purity tests. Without exception, these are privileged people who would be less hurt by the GOP’s fascist policies than those of us who are marginalized. We’re literally in this fight for our lives.
In response to Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®.
09:22 AM - May 07, 2023
Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®
In response to Nancy Morgan.
I know. I always think of that Poem “First They Came For” if you sit back while those you don’t identify with are harmed it will only be a matter of time until attackers come after your group & then who will be there to defend you? All attacks against any group are attacks against ALL humans!
03:23 PM - May 07, 2023


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