Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 1/4
There's something profoundly wrong & immensely troubling to know that there are those in this country who would think to stalk, dox, publicly shame & character assassinate a 79 year old woman, E. Jean Carroll, for simply wanting her day in court. She has never demanded we believe or side w/her.
05:25 PM - May 08, 2023
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Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 2/4
She asked for her legal rights under NYS/Federal law be afforded her to be able to bring her claims of sexual assault to court & have a jury of her peers parse it all out thru our justice system. The fact is it was her right but for anyone to vilify her for seeking justice is dangerous to all women.
05:28 PM - May 08, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 3/4
Allowing the vilification of women seeking to hold the men who assaulted them accountable is not just reprehensible but it is dangerous to those women who then are too intimidated to report their own assaults in the future. This is why we can't allow the assault on victims to stand unassailed.
05:30 PM - May 08, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 4/4
I speak on this topic as someone who was not only repeatedly assaulted as a teen by a doctor, but who was then too terrified to come forward later when asked about it due to the fear & discrimination I felt I was certain to face, particularly as a male victim of a sexual predator. I understand.
05:33 PM - May 08, 2023


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