Professor Kyle
The age/"mental issues" narrative is 100% a false right-wing talking point the "main stream media" is gleefully running with.
Pierson Tyler-Leonard @The_Old_Crank
I'll add that I've watched Mr. Biden's entire Q & A session w/reporters after his statement on the Debt Ceiling that Mr. Biden's mental acuity is far from lacking. He was direct, combative when need be, at times humorous & clearly, unlike Trump, was deliberate in his wording.. This takes coherency.
07:02 PM - May 09, 2023
10:14 PM - May 09, 2023
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indie perfume lover
In response to Professor Kyle.
And it's espec egregious since they were mostly mum when there was an actual demented monster in the WH for four f'g years who had to be medded almost every time he was forced to address the public or hold a presser.
09:33 AM - May 10, 2023
Anastasia Joy
In response to Professor Kyle.
I'm so disgusted with the media. Where is their acknowledgement that Trump's brain is addled like a fruit salad & that he rarely makes sense, often grabs onto something he half-heard & rattles on about it with no apparent comprehension of what it's actually about.
11:25 PM - May 09, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
In response to Anastasia Joy.
The man makes up his own words ie BIGLY & the press on a continuous basis gloss over Trump's obvious intellectual shortcomings. This while simultaneously dancing w/the lie that Biden is losing mental acuity when in reality 99.9% of the time it's him simply trying to overcome his stuttering issues..
12:47 AM - May 10, 2023


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